How can we help you? Please have a look at our frequently asked questions below.


How do I place an order?

Do I need to create an account to shop with you?

Can I change or cancel my order?

What if I received my order and is faulty or incorrect?

I received an incorrect item, what do I do?

Missing Items from my order?


If I place an order today, will it be sent out today?

Do you offer free delivery?

Do you offer a click & collect service from your warehouse in Chalandri, Athens?

Do you ship to EU, UK, America, Canada or the United Arab Emirates?

What are the shipping options?


When are you getting 'X' back into stock?

Can you give me some free products in return for a review on my social media/blog?

Can you get X product?

Do you sell your products wholesale?

Πόση διάρκεια ζωής έχουν τα προϊόντα σας;

You only have 'X' quantity of something left in stock. Do you have any more?

Payments & Promos

How can I pay?

I’m having payment issues, what can I do?

Are my payment details safe with you?

I have a coupon code. Where can I enter it?

Returns & Exchange

How do I return my order?

What is your returns policy?

Do you offer exchanges?

When will I receive my refund?

Didn't find your answer? Our customer service will be happy to help you. Please send us an email at